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How Corporate Stay-At-Home Mums Wine and Dine Their Clients

How Corporate Stay-At-Home Mums Wine and Dine Their Clients

There is a common misconception that corporate life exists in a vacuum, and it’s not something that you will find at home or in casual spaces. On the contrary, the opposite is true: it is possible to be corporate while rocking your stay-at-home job! 

If you are one of the cool corporate stay-at-home mums, you should continue to rock your people skills and grow your client list. Working from home is a powerful thing during the COVID-19 pandemic. And speaking of the pandemic and tending to business matters virtually, wouldn’t it be great to know some of the best ways to wine and dine corporate clients in the comfort of your own space? 

Below, you’ll find some of the best ways to host corporate meetings and impress your clients virtually. You don’t have to give up your stay-at-home job to be a corporate queen!

1. Adding a VIP Element

Just because things have to be done virtually now doesn’t mean that it has to be boring or casual. You can still treat your digital corporate meetings like a VIP experience! Partner up with a larger vendor or corporation who can help you provide something complimentary and of value to your clients. 

For example, you can partner with a company that will help you host bartending classes online. Or perhaps you can get someone well-known to offer a private cooking lesson to just your clients over the privacy of the digital landscape. 

2. Sending a Surprise 

There’s a lot you can do to spice up the virtual meeting space and make it feel more like something that reaches a corporate level of standards. In fact, some of the best advice that will teach you how to work from home effectively includes making space in your schedule and your budget for treating your clients to a little something special. It will be extra special during this uncertain time, and it will actually help you to better engage and work with your clients as well! 

Tell your clients right before your virtual meeting that they should expect something at their door soon. Send along some wine and a fancy snack platter, or maybe some nice glasses to enjoy that wine in. A little bit of surprise can go a long way!

3. Taking Care of Your Clients in Advance

If you know you have a meeting coming up with some important clients soon, you can get them warmed up by sending them some care packages in advance. With lockdowns still happening across the globe and the pandemic causing fear in every society, it is important to be extra caring towards each other. This little bit of kindness goes an extra-long way during this time.

Send them a care package that contains some necessities or some nice products that they may not be able to get currently. Some artisan coffee or tea, canned goods, their favorite sweets, and some cooking supplies might be a really nice gift that shows your clients how much you care. 

Rock the Stay-at-Home Corporate Mum Fashion!

Working from home can be great, whether that is your preferred way of working or not. Being a part of the corporate world means you are always thinking about your clients and their best interests. 

You can still find plenty of ways to give your clients a good experience and to show them that you care. Surprise them with a package or sign them up for exclusive classes online. Your corporate power will go a long way!