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Tips to Start Blogging In 2021

Tips to Start Blogging In 2021

Starting a blog is a great idea. With just the most basic computer skills you can share your thoughts with people around the globe. If you love to write and wish to start your own blog take a sneak into these two platforms to help get an idea. BlogPakistan is a blogging site with a focus on general topics. It highlights news and trends, IT, business, health, lifestyle, and many more topics to attract a large audience. Another trending blogging site is PricesPakistan where you get information regarding mobile phones, prices, announcements, and much more. You can get an idea and motivation from these two platforms to get started. 

In this article, I will walk you through some important tips that will help you in starting a blog. 

Tips to Start Blogging

Catchy Headline

The title is what draws the readers in. How crisply the blog is written and focus on messages and content engages them to read it until the end. You only have a few seconds to grab the reader’s attention, and you can do so by choosing a catchy headline. 

Keep Your Blog Short

Most readers prefer brief content because of their short attention span. Another important reason is that it takes less time to create. In this way, you will be able to easily write twice many posts and reach your quantity goal. Time is valuable, both yours and the audience, therefore it is effective to communicate the message in less time. 

Write for Yourself

The first and foremost thing is to start writing for yourself. Focus on your own thoughts, perceptions, ideas, interests, and ignore the fact that anyone else will be reading it. In this way, you will be able to write more with interest and something written from the heart also catches the attention.

Get Ideas from the Audience

In order to keep your blog posts relevant, connecting to the audience will generate more ideas. As the audiences are constantly changing and so are their needs, it is important to understand their needs and write a blog accordingly. 

Love Your Existing Audience

Another important tip for blogging is to love the readers you already have. Many bloggers waste time grabbing the attention of new readers and may end up losing the ones they already have. Giving value to the existing audience is just as important and you will get to know them better.

Be Consistent

Being consistent is the key to blogging. Losing the audience is ten times easier than building one. Be sure to post blogs consistently in order to build up traffic. Consistency establishes a reputation and makes you more relevant. 

Showcase Your Knowledge

By showcasing your knowledge, you can stand out to your audience. By holding back your knowledge and personal stories to yourself, and not giving them to people will only make them lose interest. 

Invest Time

It is best advised to invest a long time in blogging before you get hungry for a return. There are a large number of bloggers on the internet trying to catch recognition. In this competition, investing time in utmost necessity in order to achieve something remarkable. 

Be True to Your Voice

Writing is about finding the right voice. How you are conveying your ideas in a blog is more important than what you are conveying. When the audience is caught by someone’s piece of writing, they most likely follow the person and start reading their every creation. 

Set Defined Goals

Setting defined goals when starting something new gives you a vision and purpose. Without these goals, your efforts become disjointed and confusing. They also help you to measure track of your progress and prevents you from derailing the topic. Lastly, it keeps you motivated.

Gain Blog User Experience and Design

Gaining user experience and design while starting a blog is very important. You can hire a professional to help you or learn from tutorials online. WordPress is a more robust platform available to get started. There are many others that you can use.

Google Analytics to Analyze Results

You can always have the hands-on who is visiting your profile, when, and from where. By installing google analytics you get to see the results instantly. The best part about google analytics is that it’s free to use by everyone. 


After you have created a list of ideas gathered from the audience or based on your thinking, putting it on a schedule will ease the burden. Organizing your blogging process is something you should not bypass. For this purpose, a spreadsheet can be used to manage everything and then marking the dates on the calendar. 

Choosing the Right Keywords

Keywords are phrases that be used as a common thread throughout each piece of content mentioned. It is important to choose the right keywords to uplift search engine ranking. Different tools are available that you can use for keyword search.

Conclusion Remarks

Purposefully make time for your blogs as it will not bring you the results overnight. Wrapping it up, starting a blog requires time, effort, money, and experimentation to get it right. After you venture on this path, you will need to adopt more advanced tactics to promote your blogs. 

Lastly, write blogs that WOW!